Is Your Hair Care Routine Ruining Your Hair?
Many of us are creatures of habit. We develop a routine that we stick to for weeks, months, sometimes even years! This is especially true when it comes to our beauty and hair care routines. However, many habits and customs that people incorporate into their hair care regimen are doing more harm than good. Here are some of the most common mistakes:
- Shampooing Daily
Shampooing your hair is refreshing – it cleans excessive oils and removes grime and odors that build up. It can also boost your style, but it isn’t meant for using daily. Your hair needs its natural oils to keep your scalp and hair follicles properly moisturized and when you shampoo daily, you are stripping your natural oils, leaving you with damaged, dry hair. Try using dry shampoo in-between washes and aim to shampoo only a few times a week.
- Using the Wrong Brush
Not all brushes are the same and you should be using a hairbrush specifically for your hair type. Those with thinning hair should opt for a soft bristle brush. Those with curly locks should forgo a brush all together and use a wide-toothed comb.
- Using Too Many Heated Styling Tools
If you can’t resist putting a heating tool to your hair as soon as your finished showering, you are likely causing a lot of damage to your hair. While it is fine to use heated tools in moderation, using them on a daily basis is harmful. As an alternative, try letting your hair air dry and incorporate some overnight, heatless styles to your hair regime. For days where you are rushing, make sure you are applying heat protectant before exposing your hair to high temps.
- Wearing Tight Ponytails
Ponytails and messy buns are simple, fast, and face it, everyone’s go-to hair style for on the go or if you’re a day late washing your hair. Most people don’t know that this hairstyle can cause hair damage. If you wear your ponytails tight, this can lead to hair thinning and hair damage over time. Try doing a loose braid instead or a headband to pull your hair back quickly.
Do you need a trim to remove split ends or damage caused by your hair care regime? Book an appointment today.