Why You Should Get Airbrush Makeup | Avalanche Salon and Spa Collegeville

Why You Should Get Airbrush Makeup

What is airbrush makeup? Airbrush makeup is applied to the face in the form of a mist using an airbrush stylus and air compressor. The misty application provides a lighter feel and a more natural look. The Benefits Natural Look If you are seeking natural looking makeup, airbrush is the way to go! This process…

best shampoo

Finding the Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type

While most people aspire to have healthy and beautiful hair, many people don’t understand the steps needed to take in order to ger their hair to looking the way they want.  While it may be overlooked, home hair care is one of the most important things to getting that beautiful hair you desire. The most…

7 Timeless Beauty Tips

Beauty trends will come and go. Whether it be large hair filled with hairspray or ombre, tan skin or the beauty of pasty white. These fads all have their time in the spotlight before fading, but there is beauty advice that stands the test of time! Take a look at the following 7 tips that…