Dry Cutting – Would You Do It?

Have you ever considered getting your hair cut while it’s dry? Cutting your hair BEFORE the shampoo may have some great benefits! Cutting dry hair lets a stylist see the shape of the hair as it’s being cut, instead of the surprise waiting when they blow dry it. Unfortunately, cutting hair wet doesn’t allow you…

Social Media Inspirations!

If you are like most people, there’s a good chance you’re on Facebook.  However, other social media outlets like Twitter and Pinterest not only allow us to stay connected with people, but they also work to our advantage. On Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, you can follow your favorite product , salon (avalanchesalon), person, etc. These…

Hair’s #1 Enemy?

While we might not have a White Christmas this year, the winter season starts this week. Here’s a great article on how to keep your hair healthy during the cold temperatures. Winter Hair Care – WebMD – Better information. Better health. Experts say harsh winter weather and a change in temperatures can be hair‘s No.…