Swedish Massage

Whether it’s your first massage or you’re an experienced relaxation vet, a Swedish massage is always a great choice! Come in during the month of May for a 30-minute Swedish massage for only $40 and get a free Foot Scrub! (Gratuity not included) A Swedish massage is the typical massage we think of when we…

Keep Warm & Relax!

Are you looking for the best place to relax? Right now our 60 minute Hot Stone Massage is only $80! (Gratuity not included). Hot Stone Massage is one of more than 80 massage therapies. The theory behind it is that the direct, penetrating heat given off by the polished stones helps to relax muscles which…

Social Media Inspirations!

If you are like most people, there’s a good chance you’re on Facebook.  However, other social media outlets like Twitter and Pinterest not only allow us to stay connected with people, but they also work to our advantage. On Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, you can follow your favorite product , salon (avalanchesalon), person, etc. These…