best shampoo

Finding the Right Shampoo For Your Hair Type

While most people aspire to have healthy and beautiful hair, many people don’t understand the steps needed to take in order to ger their hair to looking the way they want.  While it may be overlooked, home hair care is one of the most important things to getting that beautiful hair you desire. The most…

Get Thicker, Stronger Hair!

Have you started to notice your hair thinning out? You’re not alone – many people lose hair because of stress or a medical condition/treatment, and about 80 million people suffer hereditary hair loss. Don’t fret – you can get thick, healthy hair with a diet rich in foods that are great for your hair as…

Add Volume to Your Hair the Easy Way!

Unless you’re born with naturally thick hair, you may struggle to give your hair the volume you see models and actresses with. Fortunately there are simple steps you can take to add a bit of volume to your everyday do that won’t break your bank. Remove Excess Build-up. Build-up weighs your hair down over time…